How to Break a Trauma Bond with a Narcissist

how to break a trauma bond with a narcissist

Creating a trauma bond with a narcissist can make it very hard to leave an abusive relationship.
If you keep getting pulled back into the cycle despite trying to escape, read on for helpful tips on breaking free.
Take a moment to realize that there is nothing wrong with you before proceeding.
Trauma bonding is real; you are not the only one going through it.
At Healzim, our mental health providers know how to work for your mental health and how to break a narcissist.
Let’s look into the details of how to break a trauma bond with a narcissist.

What is Narcissist Personality Disorder?

Narcissistic personality disorder is a mental illness in which people think they are more important than they are.
They want too much attention, and they need people to admire them.
People who have this disorder might not be able to understand or care about how other people feel.
They appear confident but doubt themselves, and they are easily upset by even a little disagreement.

What is a Trauma Bond with a Narcissist?

Have you ever wondered what is a trauma bond with a narcissist?
Trauma bonds are intense emotional bonds between mistreated people and their abusers, often narcissists.
These are the symptoms of a narcissistic relationship:

  • Mixed Signals: The narcissist swings between being super nice (love bombing) and then treating the person badly. This back-and-forth messes with the victim’s feelings, leaving them chasing after the earlier kind of treatment.
  • Tricky Mind Games: The narcissist messes with the victim’s head using tricks like gaslighting, making them doubt their thoughts and feelings.
  • Being Trapped: The victim may feel trapped or reliant on the narcissist, who often makes them think they cannot live without them.

How It Affects the Person Being Hurt:

  • Emotional Rollercoaster: The victim feels all kinds of emotions—love, fear, guilt, and shame—all tangled up together.
  • Feeling Confused: It’s like having two different versions of the narcissist—the charming one and the hurtful one—which messes with the victim’s mind.
  • Low Confidence: The victim might start to doubt themselves, feeling like they’re not good enough for anyone else besides the abuser.

Now, let’s talk about breaking trauma bond with narcissist.

How to Break a Trauma Bond with a Narcissist

1. Recognize the trauma bond.

Being aware of how a trauma bond is holding you is the first thing that needs to be done to break it.
It is easy to stay stuck in the narcissist’s psychological hold on you if you do not know this.
Finding trauma bond signs is important for getting a handle on your situation.

2. Write down what you are thinking.

Often, confusion and manipulation make it hard to make good decisions in an abusive relationship.
Writing in a journal regularly can help you see patterns and manipulative behaviour that might not seem abusive at first. It can help you keep your cool.

3. Get a different point of view.

When relationships are emotionally charged, it is hard to think clearly.
Think about advising a loved one who is going through the same thing.
Would you support that kind of relationship? Viewing it from an outsider’s perspective can help evaluate its health.

How to Get Over a Relationship With a Narcissist

  1. Cut-Off Contact with the Narcissist: Removing communication with the narcissist is vital to stopping the cycle of abuse, allowing you to focus on your healing.
  2. Prioritize Self-Love and Care: To put your health first, do things that make you happy and satisfied.
  3. Build a Support System: Surround yourself with supportive friends, family, or groups who offer encouragement and guidance throughout your journey.
  4. Improve Your Self-Esteem: After narcissistic abuse, you can fix your low self-esteem by using positive affirmations, taking care of yourself, and being kind to yourself.
  5. Explore somatic healing: yoga, meditation, and trauma-release exercises are some of the practices that can help your body let go of tension and trauma that it has internalized.
  6. Talk to a professional: Therapy can help you break the trauma bond by pointing out unhealthy relationship patterns and giving you tools for growth.

In Conclusion

Question: how to break a trauma bond with a narcissist?
To break the trauma bond with a narcissist, you need to understand yourself, get help from your loved ones, and see a mental healthcare professional.
At Healzim, our professional therapist can help you in this matter.
Similarly, being aware abuser how much control over you.
Putting you first, taking different points of view, and, in the end, fully cutting off the contact while loving yourself and going to therapy to heal and grow.


1: How to heal from a trauma bond?

Healing from a trauma bond involves:

  • Acknowledging the bond.
  • Seeking support from loved ones or professionals.
  • Setting boundaries.
  • Practicing self-care.
  • Engaging in activities that promote self-love and self-discovery.

2: How long does it take to get over a narcissist?

The time it takes to recover is different for everyone.
Getting over a relationship with a narcissist can take a long time, usually between months and years.
It depends on how deep the trauma bond is and how fast the person is healing.

3: Can you fix a trauma-bonded relationship?

It is possible to heal from a traumatic bond, but it may not be possible to fix the relationship itself.
Getting out of the cycle of abuse and setting healthier boundaries for one’s health is often part of it.

4: Why are trauma bonds so hard to break?

Trauma bonds are hard to break due to the intense emotional connection formed between the victim and the abuser.
Abuse and affection create confusion and dependence, which makes it hard to separate from the abuser.

5: How to break a trauma bond with a narcissist?

Breaking a trauma bond involves:

  • Acknowledging the connection.
  • Avoid talking to the narcissist.
  • Prioritizing self-love and care.
  • Getting help from a professional.
  • Establishing a support system of caring people.

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